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The Prophecy that brought Icaria's Disorder

Writer: legendsoficarialegendsoficaria

Of the many methods of obtaining prophecy in Icaria, none is so revered as the reception of a future from the Sakjeden. The Grove, as known by the Fae, exist cloaked in myth, their origins predating even that of all elves, gnomes, centaurs, and any other Faen that still walk the continent. Their prophecies may be rendered in two ways: personal or general. A personal prophecy is offered to someone who makes the pilgrimage to the Grove to ask for it. It is tied to that individual’s life, guaranteed to come to fruition in some form or fashion. The general prophecy is not tied to the life of the person who hears it. It is tied to the land and therefore it can come true at any point after it is given.

One of the greatest mistakes in Icaria’s history hinges on a general prophecy being taken as a personal prophecy. For prophecy, particularly prophecy from the Grove, can move a person like nothing else. At the end of a long peace, a man came to the throne of men. Blessed with too much curiosity and too much ambition, he sought a prophecy for himself. Before a tree could offer him a personal prophecy, a sapling belched forth one of the least interpreted general prophecies of all time. It would shape the Icarian landscape forever. Read below.


First rule chaos, second rule peace

And on an opposite land she’ll be

Come through to majik, second to none

The queen will step into what’s already begun



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