Though the Mers sank into common legend, their stories lived on in song. "The Last Love of the Mer" remains a favored song for unlikely lovers whose futures remain uncertain.
As time came to the land and closed
A peaceful chapter, stories rose
To contemplate what true love meant
And this one found itself in sand
A lonely elf walked the sea plains
And dove between the coral walls
To find a mate along the shore
He did not know that she was there
Watching, always, everywhere
She finally showed herself one day
A siren, full and clear as clay
He couldn’t ever know her heart
They spoke no language, walked apart
But he found comfort in her hand
And she showed him a brand new land
Under sea he wished to stay
But with no tail could not play
And so he waited for the break
Of heart, of soul, hers to take
And she, one of the last few Mers
To swim along the western shores
She could not convince her kind
That his love was hard to find
And so they forbade her to seek
The sun above, his hand, his cheek
They met of course, under the moon
Where darkness hid her soft, short croons
But come daybreak, he would ride off
Her songs still dripping off his tong
Until one night, they were found out
A jilted lover pulled her south
And the elf watched his true love fall
Through coral, hand outstretched once more
He didn’t see her for a year,
Though every night he still came near
And waited for the sea to break
So he could see once more her face
But alas, her time was done
And she was kept well from the sun
So all he had was her sweet voice
That echoed of her lack of choice
He stayed until he could no more
For humans had destroyed the shore
And so he built a boat to sail
And left the land that took her tail
And to this day the sea plains sit
A graveyard of a love so split
But if you listen to the waves
Sitting down at break of day
You might just hear the last words of
A mer and her Elvin last love
You might hear the final song
Of siren’s care and Elvin fall
Now the sailors seem to say
Be careful sailing break of day
For by the waves, a siren called,
a sad-sweet voice that he did crave,
she walked along the surface sea,
and gave her hand, she bent her knee,
but he could never know her home,
nor find her bed between the foam,
and so he drowned beneath her feet,
her song a last lament, sad-sweet.
