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The Ballad of the Barren Plains

Writer: legendsoficarialegendsoficaria

One of the best known, and saddest, outcomes of the early Fae Wars was the flaming of the central plains in Icaria. The damage was so great that ballads are still sung about the carnage in lament. Only through the second age were humans able to return and begin to build anew from the battlefields of the early years of violence.


Beginning with the kiss of sky

The fertile plains grew never dry

They gave and they sustained the Fae

For time immemorial

The breezes, never angry sluiced

The rain from tempests, short and sweet

And on the face of plains did grow

The kindest flowers, the softest rows

But time cannot abide such love

And on the coast, a story grew

Of land, free land just to the east

Prepared and ripe for many feet

And so the humans, just arrived

Marched inland, quickly, east they strived

To find the fertile plains and start

New families, farms, and took the heart

Of course they found the plains had those

Who lived already in their halls

But this did not offend the men

They burned, they took, they stole, they fed

And one could ask, what you would do

If your homeland fell to new

Those who did not love her like

The way you had for all sweet time

And so the Fae, they fought the men

And children died, so did women

And in the blood soaked battle scars

Nothing grew, nothing at all

And when the fire finally died

The land, the wind forgot to cry

And in the center of the land

Grew death plains unfit for man

Where once the green and plenty grew

The dust and ash upwards flew

Until they too, settled soft

Upon all corpses, dead at last

Because what man and Fae found out

When all is said, and all light doused

That bodies look a lot the same

When taken up with blood and flame.



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