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Charter of the Citadel

Writer: legendsoficarialegendsoficaria

As the diplomacy at the end of the Fae Wars began to take effect, the humans petitioned the Faen to allow members of the human community to learn Majik. This would, of course, require the Faen to teach them. After many long years of negotiation, the Citadel was established as a place of learning and relationship building between the Fae and the Humans. This is the original charter, without any of the many additional amendments.

Charter of the Citadel

Founding document of the institution establsiehd for the offering of Majik to humans

In the second half of the year 562 A.A., it is to be known and heretofore established that there will be an institution created and responsible for the instruction of the human term “Majik” by Faen to worthy humans. In the Common Tongue, this institution shall be known as “The Citadel” and all original instruction to humankind shall be conducted at the conscience of elected Faen, who are the current sole possessors of Majik and the “First Language.”

The purpose of translating Majik to a select human population is to ensure a relationship between the original inhabitants of the land, the Faen, and the newly established human population and to found a more equal balance of power between the Fae and the human and to foster understanding between the two populations such that wars such that the continent has witnessed in the last 500 years no longer occur ever again.

Founding members of the Citadel do hereby create the charter below in the name of these efforts to relay Majik to human practitioners. Included in this creation are points of agreement in relation to the instructional development.

The purpose of Majikal instruction at the Citadel is as follows:

a. Healing

b. Helping

c. Caring

d. Balance

e. Peace

f. Prosperity

The singular purpose of Majik in the hands of humans is to allow the human population to develop and determine better fates for their communities. Should there be any assessment of mishandling of Majik from a graduate of the Citadel, that individual will be contacted, questioned, and likely subsequently convicted and executed of poor representation of such purpose.

1. Should a witch be discovered to be perverting these purposes, they will be hunted and returned to the Citadel to await trial by both witch and Fae.

2. Humans are inherently weaker than Faen, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It thus becomes imperative to establish trials such that separation of humans who seek Majikal knowledge is effective. For those who cannot effectively handle the implementation of the First Language, Majik, these trials will determine their worth. There will be no communication on how many trials, what they are, or if they are developed for each individual novitiate. The imagination and implementation of these trials shall be at the decision of the founding Faen alone. Human representatives will not be invited to comment.

3. During instruction, the First Language is the only language that will be utilized when teaching humans Majik. The First Language in and of itself is imbued with the force that drives the continent. It is imperative that humans understand the depth of the language, as it will drive all other focus inherent in Majikal practice.

4. Upon assessment, novitiates will be turned back out into the world as Witches. Due to the nature of their relationship with the First Language and Majik itself, they will no longer age. This cannot be helped as conduits of Majik, too step out of time, even as Majik rests outside of time. They, of course, like any other being, can still be struck down by another’s hand, as can any Fae.

5. A witch will not break any Elder Rules of the Fae.

6. Original teachings will be offered by a panel of Fae instructors. Once these instructors are satisfied, the Fae will pass along the teaching to seven high witches who will then instruct the novitiates. One high Fae will remain on the council of the Citadel at all times to ensure all is being taught according to Faen tradition and to make suggestions when and where s/he feels necessary.

7. Should the Citadel ever fall to forces outside the control of the witches or Fae, it shall be destroyed.

Should there come a need, additional addenda may be added to this charter by a full and unanimous vote of the Citadel’s council, including that of the high Fae.

The below signed are Majikally bound, insofar as they remain alive, to the protection and promotion of this institution as an instrument for peace, prosperity, and relationship between human and Fae.



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